
This website like all applications that are developed in the company, follows the WCAG 2.1 guidelines provided by the W3C’s international WAI standard, consistent with WCAG 2.1 – level AA accessibility requirements.

The checkpoints of the Guidelines on accessibility of IT tools issued on 20-12-2019, by AGID in accordance with the D.lgs 10 august 2018, n. 106 which implemented EU Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council.

The principles that guided the realization of the portal were defined based on what is indicated by the WAI W3C guidelines, among the main ones:

  1. for each visual content has been provided content that, when presented to the user, performs essentially the same function or achieves the same purpose as the original content.
  2. did not rely solely on colors, so the text and graphics are understandable even when consulted without color.
  3. markup and style sheets were used appropriately
  4. layout is designed and ensures independence from various devices (linked to responsive mode)
  5. clear and consistent navigation mechanisms have been designed and provided in order to increase the likelihood that a person will be able to find what they are looking for on the portal

The site also was designed by following W3C standards about CSS3 and HTML5 making it cross-browser and responsive to the resolutions of various mobile devices.

The portal is usable via keyboard and screenreaders such as Voiceover and NVDA.

Screen-readers work best when combined in the following way:

  • Voiceover with Safari or
  • Chrome
    NVDA with Firefox

Supported by the following browsers and mobile operating systems:


  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox

Tablet and Smartphone

  • iOS
  • Android OS

If you experience any accessibility problems please contact us at the following email address: